Network German

Netzwerk Deutsch

The promotion of German as a foreign language is a cornerstone of the cultural relations and social policy of the Federal Foreign Office. With the PASCH partner school initiative, a particularly sustainable measure was launched in 2008 to promote German as a foreign language in schools in an even more targeted manner.

Nevertheless, our activities must be subject to constant review in order to advance new approaches, such as in the area of digitisation, to meet current challenges, including in the area of teaching staff, and to prioritise more strongly. For this reason, the German Embassy convenes a Netzwerk Deutsch meeting two to three times a year, inviting the different actors active in the field of German. This makes it possible to exchange information and coordinate measures in order to achieve an even better impact in the field of German language promotion in Namibia.

Our Partners

These Institutions support and work together with the AGDS.