Project Lilie

Welcome to

Dear user. We are pleased that you have clicked on the Project Lily website. We welcome you and hope that you will find something interesting and perhaps even instructive.

One man’s death is another man’s bread. This proverb also applies to Project Lily, which was established after the dissolution of the Karibib Private School and is supported by its bequest of more than N$ 10 million.

Our site mainly provides a historical review from the foundation, in the beginning, to the dissolution of the Karibib Private School at the end of the twentieth century, of the town of Karibib and the resulting Project Lily.

If you have material that would enrich our site, we would be grateful if you could make it available to us. Suggestions for the design are also welcome. Please contact Karin Rothkegel at the AGDS office at +264 81 150 0120, or at [email protected]. We thank you for your attention and wish you a stimulating visit!

Tilman Friedrich

First Chairman: Project Lily Board of Trustees

Due to restructuring of the concept, no Lilien Award ceremony took place in 2023.

Our Partners

These Institutions support and work together with the AGDS.